Latest News

15th Jul

Patient Summer Newsletter 2024




Past Practice Newsletters 

Spring Newsletter '24

Winter Newsletter '23


28th Jun

Walk in and Wait Clinics - Weekly Face to Face Appointments Monday and Friday Morning

Walk in and Wait Clinics have been running some months now and patient feedback has been excellent.  

Patients can see a clinician face to face for all new acute illnesses that have come about within 72 hours and not been treated.  

The clinic is for patients 2 yrs old and upwards. There are 18 face to face appointments available to book each Monday and Friday for conditions like;

·                Ongoing cough (can be seen if had for over 72 hours)

·                Swollen feet

·                Tonsilitis

·                Gout

·                Shingles

·                Sunburn

·                COPD flare up

·                Breathlessness

·                UTI

·                Rashes

To book one of the guaranteed 6 appointment slots within an hour, patients need to ring the Practice on 01323 725667 and be able to wait up to an hour (however the average wait is 30-40 minutes), patients can also ask for availability at the desk.

Please support this clinic and ask the team when booking if this is right for you.

Note: we are sorry we are unable to offer translation services within this particular clinic due to the set appointment times available. 

19th Jun


If you have every been worried about visiting your local GP Practice, knowing other patients have had a good experience can help to set your mind at ease. Thanks to data gathered in the GP Patient Survey you can check how your GP surgery ranks in your area. Twice a year more than a million adults who are registered with a GP in England are sent this survey. Ratings are based on experience of access, making appointments, quality of care, patient health and experience of NHS services when a patient's GP practice was closed. Patients are also asked how likely they are to recommend their practice to others. As headlined in the Eastbourne Herald, Seaside Medical Centre has come out top in this survey with an astounding 92.2% of patients that would recommend the surgery and the care they receive. This information is available on the NHS Choices website. You can read this report also by visiting Or you can view your local surgery rankings by entering the location, town or postcode and filtering the list based on NHS Users Ratings, visit

14th Jun


It is recognised the NHS is under huge demand and this is especially so within General Practice. 

It may surprise you that in May 109 Nursing appointments were wasted due to non attendance.  This was up from April when we recorded 105 not attended appointments and in March 90 appointments were also not attended.

We ask patients that find they cannot attend their appointment to cancel in advance to enable another patient the opportunity to book this appointment. 

An appointment text reminder enables patients to cancel their booking and we now have added an option to our phone system enabling patients to select an option to cancel an appointment by leaving a message on the system.  

Please help the Practice and its appointments.  Please cancel your appointment if you know you cannot attend. 

13th Jun

Private Medicine and your NHS GP- Shared Care Agreements

Advice and guidance to patients who access private treatment from a specialist without being referred by their GP and how Seaside Medical Centre can only prescribe 'shared care' medications initiated by an NHS provider of care.  See our information on Shared Care Agreements

21st May

Southdown Community Connectors

Southdown Community Connectors are there to support patients to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  The service is free to all aged 16 and over. For more information please see the Community Connectors leaflet .

Patients can also able to self refer to the service. 

21st May

Infected Blood Inquiry - Patient Information

Following recent media coverage about the Infected Blood Inquiry, we understand that some people may be concerned about their own health.

Please see the dedicated NHS webpage for key information about this and signposting on where to find support:

Since 1991, all blood donated in the UK is screened and distributed by NHS Blood and Transplant following rigorous safety standards and testing to protect both donors and patients.

Since testing has been introduced, the risk of getting an infection from a blood transfusion or blood products is very low. 

All blood donors are screened at every donation and every donation is tested before it is sent to hospitals. Blood services and blood safety has been transformed, not only in terms of technological advances in testing but also in the way donors are recruited and checked they are safe to donate.

Given the time that has elapsed since the last use of infected blood products, most of those who were directly affected have been identified and started appropriate treatment. However, there may be a small number of patients where this is not the case, and particularly where they are living with asymptomatic hepatitis C. If you are worried about risk of hepatitis C, you can order a confidential test online through the NHS website:

Patients who want more details about the safety of blood from donations in England can find more information here:

10th May

Pharmacy Services - Pharmacy First

The new Pharmacy First Service will enable community pharmacists to provide care for patients without the need for patients to visit their GP. 

Patients ringing into Seaside Medical Centre will be triaged by the team and depending on the condition referred to the pharmacist if it is found to be appropriate.   The pharmacists will be able to provide advice and NHS funded treatment where clinically appropriate for these 7 conditions:

  • Sinusitis for adults and children aged 12 and over
  • Sore throat for adults and children aged 5 and over
  • Acute otitis media for children aged 1 to 17years
  • Infected insect bite for adults and children aged 1 year and over
  • Impetigo for adults and children aged 1 year and over
  • Shingles for adults aged 18 years and over, and
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women aged 16-64 years.

A patient’s General Practice will be notified of the outcome of the Pharmacy First consultation at the pharmacy. 


3rd Jan

Make the most of your appointment

6th Dec 2023

Patient Information - Self Diagnosis

4th Dec 2023

Self Referral Service to Sleepstation

New clinically validated digital screening and support service for those experiencing sleep problems including a full online programme of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi). This service is now available to Seaside Medical Centre.

This service is easy to access through self referral as well as through your GP.
Self Referral Link:

8th Nov 2023

Advice On A Safer Sleep for Your Baby

30th Oct 2023

New for October 2023 - 'Prospective Medical Record On-line Access'

NHS England wants to give patients better ways to see their personal health information online.  We know at Seaside Medical Centre that patients would find it helpful so they can see their results faster without phoning the Practice and the ability to read and review notes from their appointments at their leisure. 

From Monday 30th October, we will be giving patients access to their prospective medical record.  If you are over 16 and have an online account, such as through the NHS App or another online primary care service as Patient Access, on application you will be able to see all future notes and health records from your doctor (GP).  

This means that you will be able to see notes from your appointments, as well as test results and any letters that are saved on your records.  This only applies to records from your doctor (GP), not from hospitals or other specialists.  You need to remember, prospective means you will only be able to see information going forward.  

Your doctor (GP) may talk to you to discuss your test results before you are able to see some of the information on the app.  There may be some sensitive information on your record, so you should talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

The NHS App, website and other online services are all very secure, so no one is able to access your information except you.  You will need to protect your login details.  Don't share your password with anyone as they will then have access to your personal information.

What do I need to consider about having Prospective Record Access?

For many patients this will prove a valuable tool for helping to manage their healthcare.  However, we do recognise that this isn't for everyone and this is why we have asked our patients to complete a form of consent to have this form of access given.  

You may be happy to have this level of access from a personal point of view, but please consider whether you have given access to your account to other people, maybe just so they can order your medication or book appointments for you.  

Please remember by giving us consent you will be able to view all of your consultations, medication, test results, incoming and outgoing letters etc.  Please note this is not retrospective, so you will not be able to see any records that have been added previously, access will only be viewable from the date access has been granted.    

Please see these links for the consent form and the our guidance on things to remember Application for Access to GP Online Services form.pdf

Things to Remember for Access to GP Online Services .pdf

Experiencing Muscle or Joint Pain?
20th Jan 2023

Experiencing Muscle or Joint Pain?

MSK have provided decision aid booklets, 'Understanding Persistent Pain' to help patients find tools to support and navigate their pain journey as well as 'Healthy Hips and Knees' focuses on the management of oesteoarthritis.



30th Sep 2022

Support While you Wait for Your Hospital Appointment